Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

MigMe Gifting Commands


What are Gift Commands and where can I use them?
Users can now send gifts easier through new gift chat commands from the convenience of their Chat Rooms.
Send an unlocked gift to a friend:

Type in chat command: /gift -u <recipient username ><gift name>ii) View your inventory list of unlocked gifts:
Type in chat command: “/gift ul” or “/gift unlocked”

Who can use Gift Commands?
ANYONE! All our users can use these gift commands.
Can I still use the migStore?
Yes! Of course! The gift commands are only here to improve the experience of users when gifting from Chat Rooms. The migStore is still available for users who prefer to browse the gifts. On that note, the migStore experience has been vastly improved as well.
Detailed Gift Command List
This command is used to open up the list of all Gift Chat Commands
/gift list 
This command is used to get a list of gifts you can send to your friends
/gift new
This command is used to get a list of newly added gifts
/gift featured
This command is used to get a list of featured gifts
/gift popular 
This command is used to get a list of popular gifts

/gift gifts [username] 
This command is used to get a list of recently received gifts of the user
/gift all [gift name]
This command is used to send a gift to all the participants in the Chat Room (example: /gift all Big Kiss)
This command is used to open the list of all the Emotes and Chat Commands that mig33 has.
This command is used to open up the migStore.

/gift recent 
This command is used to get a list of gifts you have recently bought
/gift [username] [gift name] 
This command is used to send a gift to your friends (example: /gift sobuz_st hug).
/gift [username] [gift name] –m [message] 
This command is used to send a gift to your friends with a message (example: /gift sobuz_st hug –m How are you?)
/gift search [text]
This command is used to search for a gift (example: /gift search hug, returns Hug, Big Hug, Hug Coupon, etc)
/gift display [gift name] 
This command is used to see the details about the item (name, price, rating and category)
/gift category
This command is used to get a list of all the categories under gifts
/gift category [category name] 
This command is used to get a list of gifts under the category (example: /gift category 
/gift rate [gift name] [rating]
This command is used to rate an item (example: /gift rate Hug 5)
/gift gifts 
This command is used to open up My Gifts page

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Kerusakan dan kerugian lainnya di luar tanggung jawab penulis.. Just want to share..